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RUCKUS AI-driven solutions simplify network management
Today’s increasingly complex data networks require more sophisticated approaches in management. For example, Wi-Fi® networks have evolved dramatically, offering unprecedented wireless performance. However, this boost in wireless performance comes at the expense of increased complexity, both from an RF environment and protocol point of view. Additionally, most networks today include a range of internet-of-things (IoT) devices, many of which are deployed using non-Wi-Fi protocols.
RUCKUS AI-driven solutions are designed to reduce network management complications while increasing performance and resilience. RUCKUS designs AI into its products to push the performance envelope beyond what standard algorithms could provide.
In general terms, RUCKUS uses AI to support network management in these three areas:
- AI drives the management of the RF environment through functions like AI-RRM. AI-driven RRM performs seamless channel planning across all Wi-Fi frequency bands, and it continuously monitors the RF environment for interference issues.
- AI manages the day-to-day tasks normally reserved for the IT manager who monitors the network for issues. Commonly referred to as “AIOps,” this function helps the network run smoothly and remain optimized for its best possible performance.
- The third focused area for AI is troubleshooting and remediation. RUCKUS puts the full power of AI into quickly identifying network incidents, determining user impact, and providing comprehensive solution options.
All put together, AI helps provide the best user experience possible for a higher-performance, more resilient network.
RUCKUS AI products
Unsere KI-fähige konvergierte Netzwerkmanagement-as-a-Service-Plattform, vereinfacht die Bereitstellung, Überwachung und Verwaltung Ihres verkabelten und Wireless-Netzwerks an einem oder mehreren Standorten.

Entdecken Sie, wie RUCKUS KI robuste Service-Sicherheit für IT- und Business Intelligence-Abteilungen von Stakeholdern bietet, damit Sie das Beste aus Ihrem Unternehmensnetzwerk herausholen können.
Benefits of AI
Outstanding network performance
Leveraging AI in RUCKUS solutions delivers increased performance and reassurance that the network is operating optimally 24x7. RUCKUS designs AI features to optimize the RF environment to minimize interference and increase available capacity.
Our AI monitors connections to help clients get the best available performance. We use the concept of a digital twin to simulate IT’s proposed changes to determine the impact to the network before implementing those changes in order to minimize the risk to users and applications. Collectively, these features, along with many others, help drive optimal network performance without the need to increase the administrator’s workloads.
Higher resiliency
Leveraging the power of cloud computing enables AI to perform highly complex tasks and solve difficult challenges. RUCKUS AI-driven solutions analyze vast amounts of operational network data, deriving insights almost instantly. Those insights are then applied to make improvements across the entire network almost instantaneously.
On large networks, this could potentially take a team of IT administrators a significant amount of time to perform similar actions. But because AI is constantly monitoring network behavior, potential downtimes are dramatically reduced, both in terms of severity and level of impact. This ultimately translates into a much more resilient network, allowing IT teams to focus their expertise on other areas of the enterprise.
Reduced operational expenses (OpEx)
The modern enterprise network delivers an unprecedented number of services at scales never seen before. This dramatic increase in service delivery has also increased the complexities of managing these networks.
These increased complexities translate into higher costs for the enterprise in employing more experienced staff and keeping them trained with the latest technology trends. Even with well- trained staff, network outages are more difficult to troubleshoot than ever.
AI provides extraordinary capabilities to deal with the challenges of modern enterprise networks. By leveraging the capabilities built into RUCKUS products, enterprises dramatically reduce pressure on their human resources requirements, thereby positively impacting OpEx associated with management of the network.
AI by RUCKUS improves network performance in the toughest environments
RUCKUS KI: Hervorragend geeignet für die Hochschulbildung
IT-Teams im Hochschulbereich verfügen oft nicht über die gleiche Personalstruktur wie in Unternehmen, daher ist Effizienz entscheidend. Netzwerkadministratoren müssen mehrere Datenquellen und manuelle Prozesse nutzen und viele Vermutungen anstellen, um die Ursachen zu ermitteln und Konnektivitätsprobleme zu beheben. Mangelnde Transparenz des Netzwerkbetriebs beeinträchtigt die IT-Effektivität ganz erheblich.
RUCKUS One Hospitality Edition
This AI-driven, converged network assurance and business intelligence platform is tailored to the hospitality industry. RUCKUS One Brand360, ein integraler Bestandteil der RUCKUS One Hospitality Edition, hilft dabei, globale Standards zu fördern und die Markentreue zu erhöhen.
What's new with RUCKUS MDU—from Wi-Fi 7 to AI
MDU partner WireStar, RUCKUS president Bart Giordano, and Packet Pushers discuss the evolution of Wi-Fi technology, the unique challenges of dense living environments, and solutions such as bulk service models and AI-driven network management.
You won’t believe how simple it is to use until you've experienced it for yourself.
See for yourself how RUCKUS AI™ delivers service assurance and business intelligence. Wenn Sie bereits SmartZone™-Kunde sind, fragen Sie nach einer kostenlosen Testversion oder einer Live-Online-Demo mit einem Produktexperten.