
RUCKUS® solutions help connect governments and the communities they serve

Today’s state, county and local municipalities know the value of transitioning to a full digital, connected environment. Digital connectivity helps them become more efficient and transparent, building stronger relationships with their constituents, workforce and local businesses. 

But with the digital age comes new and constantly evolving challenges, which include seamless connectivity, data security and ever-changing digital and information standards. Plus, because budgets are always tight, government IT departments must learn to do more with less by finding ways to reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO). 

In addition, as more citizens expect their governments to be available online 24/7, the need for an advanced and resilient Wi-Fi® network becomes paramount for delivering services and supporting government initiatives. 

With RUCKUS Networks, local and state governments can build an always-on network using our reliable and robust technology, which includes:  

  • Industry-leading Indoor and outdoor access points 
  • Scalable switches to enable the most demanding power and capacity 
  • Integration des Internets der Dinge (IoT)
  • Secure onboarding of visitors and devices at scale 
  • Cloud-based management and services 
  • AI-backed analytics 
  • Standortbezogene Services 
  • Schutz und Sicherheit

Experience how our innovations boost performance and lower the total cost of ownership. 

Have our specialists tailor your network and witness the transformative results yourself. 

Design my network   Read more: StateRAMP

RUCKUS technology creates resilient networks and powers smart cities and towns that better serve residents


Ermöglicht die Effizienz von Smart Cities 

Eine der wichtigsten Funktionen der Smart-City-Technologie ist die Maximierung der Effizienz und Reaktionsfähigkeit bei der Erbringung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen, sei es bei der Verkehrssteuerung, bei Beleuchtungssensoren oder bei der Bereitstellung lebenswichtiger Versorgungsleistungen.

Watch how RUCKUS Wi-Fi powers utilities in the city of Frederiksberg, Denmark, population 100.000   


Delivers government-grade reliability 

With more than 30 years of experience in Wi-Fi innovation, RUCKUS Networks builds IT and OT environments that help you achieve stable, secure, uninterrupted connections for both connected people and connected things.

Read how RUCKUS employs AI-based service assurance to improve network reliability. 


Simplifies the complexity of modern networks  

RUCKUS provides robust, secure, and scalable networking solutions that enable seamless connectivity for smart city projects, public safety, education, and healthcare services. Our AI-driven RUCKUS One™ cloud platform provides reliable performance, proactive management, and compliance with regulatory standards, empowering governments to deliver innovative services and improve the quality of life for their citizens. 

Discover how RUCKUS One simplifies network management with AI-driven converged network assurance and business intelligence. 


Provides secure networks, the RUCKUS Networks Way

Securing networks has grown more complex, but managing that security doesn’t have to be so complicated. RUCKUS solutions support your security needs, whether you are implementing network security fundamentals or pursuing Zero Trust.

Learn more about RUCKUS solutions for securing your networks

Burlington County upgrades their entire network to Wi-Fi 6

Learn how RUCKUS helped bring more availability and reliability to New Jersey’s largest county. 


District of Mission erhält ein leistungsstarkes kommunales Wi-Fi-Netzwerk

Eine ländliche Gemeinde wendet sich an RUCKUS Networks für ein flexibleres und einfach zu verwaltendes verkabeltes und Wireless-Netzwerk zur Verbindung kommunaler Gebäude in einer atemberaubenden Berglandschaft.

Greenfield, MA, wird zu einer Smart City

A key town in western Massachusetts expands its 50% broadband coverage to serve the whole town and its residents with Wi-Fi coverage resilient enough for New England winters. 

The digital transformation of San José into a smart city

Discover how the City of San José has evolved into one of the most technologically advanced smart cities in which the residents share free Wi-Fi.

A beach community in France expands free Wi-Fi access to all visitors

See how Hossegor, France has its sights on becoming a smart city by using 150 RUCKUS outdoor wireless access points placed throughout the territory.

Bringing Wi-Fi to a disconnected community

Read how RUCKUS® partnered with SmartWAVE Technologies and Insight Enterprises to bring connectivity to Hidalgo County, Texas.

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RUCKUS baut zweckorientierte Netzwerke auf, die in den rauen Umgebungen der von uns bedienten Branchen funktionieren. Kontaktieren Sie unser Vertriebsteam, um herauszufinden, wie wir Ihnen helfen können.

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