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Zukunftssichere Netzwerke für Bildungseinrichtungen zur besseren Unterstützung des digitalen Lernens
- Gebiet: NAR
- Kategorie: Schulbildung
- Sprache: Englisch
- 30 Minuten
The pandemic revealed significant weaknesses in the foundation of digital learning for many district leaders: the IT network infrastructure. As trends such as esports, robotics, and an increasing amount of connected devices continue to grow, the demand on school networks are only going to increase in the future. Is your school or district’s network infrastructure ready?
In this DA Ed talk, discover how new Wi-Fi network enhancements can better support digital teaching, learning, and collaboration. Furthermore, explore the transformative potential of cloud-based analytics and AI for IT infrastructure in K-12 and learn about the essential capabilities and features needed to ensure your network is ready to meet the demands of the future.