Willkommen bei RUCKUS Networks, einem Teil des weltweit führenden Portfolios an Netzwerklösungen von CommScope. Mehr erfahren.
Schulung und Zertifizierungen
CommScope University offers a full portfolio of free and paid e-learning, accreditations and classroom training to our RUCKUS customers and partners. You can also earn RUCKUS technical certifications and accreditations in wired networking and Wi-Fi knowledge domains to demonstrate proficiency designing, implementing, managing, and supporting RUCKUS solutions.
HINWEIS: Partner users MUST first have an active RUCKUS Partner Portal account before taking CommScope University training in order for completions to properly associate to their partner account. If you do not have access to the RUCKUS Partner Portal please submit a new user request form https://partners.ruckuswireless.com/register-user . For any questions please reach out to Ruckuschannel@commscope.com