RUCKUS Networks Author

Pramod Badjate

Pramod Badjate

Pramod Badjate is the senior vice president and general manager for CommScope’s RUCKUS business. He joined Ruckus in 2013 to lead the global engineering and was involved in the diversification and scaling of its products and teams during a time of high growth. Pramod has worked in telecom and networking for over 20 years, starting his career in engineering at a division of Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies. He later led engineering teams at various Silicon Valley startups including Tahoe Networks (Acquired by Nokia Networks) and Airespace (Acquired by Cisco Systems). Pramod started his journey in Wi-Fi at Airespace, a startup that led the transition to controller-based wireless networks. After being acquired by Cisco, Pramod led the software engineering team within the Wireless Lan Business Unit (WNBU). During his time at Cisco, Pramod helped launch many new innovative products in wireless including the mobility services engine and the first converged wired and wireless management solution. Later, Pramod led global engineering at the secure access business unit which launched many products that helped the transition to context-based networking. Pramod has a bachelors in computer engineering from National Institute of Technology, Karnataka (NITK), and a MS in computer science and an MBA from Arizona State University.